This project was about creating and editing RenderMan attributes in Maya. preshapemel
attribute was imported to the objects in the scene to switch the points of the actual object with a rib archive or a simple sphere before prman takes the scene over. The interface is created with the help of an r...
This exercise demonstrates the basics of scripting shapes directly into a RenderMan RIB file. Coding shapes in this way focuses attention on the use of color, opacity and the fundamental concepts related to xyz coordinate system.
The staircase was modeled by coding thru a rib file. After placing 4...
This is a meteor effect I've experimented with using Houdini, Mantra, and RenderMan as well.
Three particle systems spawned over 25k particles in midst of their lifetime. All particle systems were rendered with Mantra seperately and then composited on top of each other in the compositing section...