The animations on this page demonstrate the support offered by RenderMan for level-of-detail (LOD). Three models of a saw palmetto were modeled in Maya. Using LOD, the renderer chooses the appropriate model to use based on the area of screen space occupied by the model. 3 models for 3 distances, and...

I thought I posted this before, apparently I didn't.

It is a crowd sim driven entirely by Houdini POP networks. The run cycle was some mocap fbx I found online (model is mia from Motion Builder), but I had to edit it a little to fit in here.


These are stills from the last shot I am working on. There is a particle system that spawns the sprites for the flame and a copy of it with much less particles that instance the point lights to light up the scene.

This is tricky because there is a bug in Houdini 9.5 that messes up the scene perman...

Geometry is imported for each particle system cache. Houdini’s sprite node that is in the POP network doesn’t really function for prman. So I had to copy little circular grids on particles with template point attributes. I had to make sure that the grids would face the camera at all times, so while...

The effect I am trying to mimic is from Fellowship of The Ring. Specifically the smoke ship Gandalf character creates while smoking a pipe.

I am using Houdini to build the geometry for the effect, which was a challenge at the beginning since although I have been using Houdini over 7 months now I...