The animation and notes on this page explain how custom shaders written in the RenderMan Shading Language can be animated using SLIM parameter expressions.

Final image is a composite of Maya playblast wireframes and rendered images. All the animation...

This page shows the results of applying a custom surface shader, written in the RenderMan Shading Language, to a Maya/Houdini scene in order to create the illusion of decay and rotting.

  1. Big trouble with t...

The animations on this page demonstrate the support offered by RenderMan for level-of-detail (LOD). Three models of a saw palmetto were modeled in Maya. Using LOD, the renderer chooses the appropriate model to use based on the area of screen space occupied by the model. 3 models for 3 distances, and...

Here is another old shot, done entirely in Maya and After Effects. Simple camera projection to pick up reflections, and proxy scene geometry to pick up shadows.

This was just a mocap test of two actors captured at the same time. The 3D models are pretty simple and ugly, but that wasn't the point.

Two actors on the left were captured at the same time, ones on the right were the same actor captured at different...

Another crash test. Proof of concept about the dynamics system in Maya before spending more time on the project.